
this and that

{Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”} - Hebrews 13:5

Today, we are headed to west virginia in hopes of celebrating my dad's birthday and getting away from reality for a while.  We really don't have plans other than hopping from flea markets to festivals.  I am more than excited to get away and hopefully come across some unique finds. I won't be back for a couple days though so please bear with me and hopefully a post will be soon to come with photos from the trip!

I chose to wear this outfit because when traveling I like to be comfortable.  The lightweight, almost see-through shirt is wonderful on a hot, summer day like this and these shorts...ah..perfect!  The stretch and no wrinkle aspect is perfect for sleeping on the way to our destination.  What do you like to wear when traveling?

Top: Banana Republic Outlet
Shorts: Tommy Hilfiger via Goodwill
Shoes: American Eagle via TJ Maxx
Jewelry: Candies (Khols)

my favorite store in the whole wide world

{Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.}

After months and months of waiting, I finally was able to go and get my license!  After achieving the fearsome task of doing the driving test {not to mention with a stuffy officer in the passanger seat}, I headed straight for my favorite store!  Goodwill. Goodwill. Goodwill.  I must admit I spent half my measly paycheck in that glorious store! I came out with 11 great pieces for a mear $43.  I don't know about you, but this is the only store I can get that many items for such a small price! 

Goodwill is a great store to find basic and vintage clothes in.  This is why i have to say it is "my favorite store in the whole wide world."  Even though many see it as a low end store used for doanting to the poor or getting a tax-write-off, i like to view it as my own unique boutique.  Over half my closet is stocked with goods from there and I am proud to say that I've gotten designer brands on the cheap!  So step inside your local never know what you'll discover beneath the grandma sweaters and ragged t-shirts!

Here is a sneak peak at some of my finds:

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California Lovin'

   {"For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods."}
   - Matthew 25:14 KJV
I've taken some time away from the blog to finish exams and then go on vacation.  While my exams were stressful and time consuming, I'm glad i was able to pass them and soon will be starting my junior year! I'm nervous but very excited none-the-less.  Classes will be harder and my extra curricular activities will be crazier than ever, but I'm ready to take the challenge that lies before me!

These past months have been filled with lazy days and summer vacays.  While I've only been to the beach and a few day outings, I did however get to go with a school group to California for a medical conference.  The atmosphere, energy, clothing, and overall appeal was wonderful! Although it was quite different than I had anticipated, it was still beautiful and inspiring. Below I have posted a couple of site seeing photos.  I hope you enjoy!  

{Airplane row - our flight was full!}
{the view across from our hotel}
{The cheesecake factory was to die for! Godiva Chocolate cheesecake = yummie!}
{The one picture i had taken of myself}
{You can't go to California without visiting Hollister!}
{Mango smoothie after singing karaoke}