
{11} the heart that matters

{In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith — of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire — may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.}   - 1 Peter 1:6-7

Lately, I have really been struggling with my walk as Christ's disciple.  This past week, our church went through a time of "refresh" (like revival).  The guest speaker was so powerful and I gained so much understanding of the power of our Almighty God.  Throughout the series of sermons this week, I  felt a a tugging at my heart that couldn't resist examining.  Yesterday (Wed.), we had a youth service that allowed me to do just this.  The whole service was dedicated to singing praise and worshiping through scripture verses. At the very end, if we felt lead, we were allowed to write something burdening us or something that we felt God had laid on our hearts this week on a bulletin board.  All I could think during this time was, "Catherine, you need to serve God in the way you say you do...not lead a double life, not just read the bible for your own pleasures, not pray when its need to become a disciple and get down on your knees and worship!"  When the service closed, I rushed to my car and began weeping with pain and sorrow.  I had confessed to everyone on the bulletin board my struggles and now they were they were real. On my drive home, I cryed out to the Lord and told him my agony.  I told him what I wanted to be on fire for him and that he could have complete control of my life again.  I will never forget this night when the Lord was ever-so present to me.  Now, I must give it all to Christ today, tomorrow, and in the future.

Dress: Delia's
Cardigan: Goodwill
Shoes: Candie's via Khols
Belt: Mom's
Necklace/Ring: Lucky Brand/F21

petition, poem, prayer

{Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.} - Philippians 4:6-7



The power within you
is dragging my knees from the pew. 
I will sell out,
shout your name so loud.
God I pray that I can be a witness,
 I want to listen.
Your voice is my guide,
please cleanse me of my lies.
I am here for you now,
I will plant the seeds in the soil you plow.
The power within you,
all I need is your almighty que.

By: Catherine

{10} ruffles and relationships

{But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner}  -  Luke 18:13

Finally, cooler weather has come to town!  I can't wait to pull out wool-y sweaters and soft scarves.  The thought of transitioning into fall seems wonderful, but also terrifying in the same instance.  Just yesterday, it seems the beach balls and shorts were being unpacked from the depths of my closet.  I can't fathom how all of a sudden I am going to have to go from shorts and silky tanks to warm, cozy, sweaters...not that I am complaining!    

Church was very enlighting today as usual.  This week we are going through a time of refreshing as a church.  To me, I comprehend it as a way to "get right with God."  Today, the guest speaker's sermon was based on the essence of a close relationship with Jesus Christ.  Nothing can come between God and yourself when you have surrendered your life to his service.  I really connected with the examples he gave...Luke 18:9-14.  He used this parable to describe how we are like the Pharisee when we out to be like the tax collector.  The Pharisee only praised himself and told God great HE was.  The tax collector, on the other hand, showed humility and asked for God to show mercy upon him.  One of the major statements throughout the service was "Will you be dignified or justified?"  Examine your hearts and I encourage you to read Luke 18:9-14.  I hope you choose being justified through God! 
Top: Candies via Khols
Sweater: DKNY Outlet
Jeans: Ann Loft via Goodwill
Shoes: Nine West Outlet
Jewelry: Forever 21

{9} born to be an American

{Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it} - Psalm 34:14

"My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty..."  Patriotism, nationalism, and overall pride in our country could sum up the commemoration of September 11th.  Ten years ago when the planes crashed into the Twin Towers, not only did our country suffer, but learned a lesson.  When we suffer, God doesn't want us to dwell on the occurence, but rather pick up the pieces and learn something out of a tragedy.  God works in mysterious ways and I believe that the terrorist attack was all in His plans. 

Usually people associate this day with harsh feelings toward the terrorists.  Yes, they did try to make a mockery of our nation and rip the heart out of our capital, but think about your own life and the things you do every day.  I think over the years, my sins could add up to this tradgedy.  No, I haven't flown a plane into a building, but I have crashed the self esteem of others for my own self pleasure.  I'm not trying to state that a crime was commited nor was it outrageous, but I am trying to make a point....How can we hold a grudge over something when we sin everyday?

As my choir director was speaking this morning about this same topic, she brought up how hard it is to forgive others when you don't have peace within yourself.  You don't have to forgive the terrorists for their deeds, but it would be good to examine your own heart.  How have you destructed and devestated others?

Find peace within yourself through God.

Dress: Forever 21
Denim Shirt: Chelsea and Violet via Dillards
Shoes: Forever 21via TJMaxx
Jewelry: Khols and assorted


{Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity} - 1 Timothy 4:12

I finally took time to pull together a post on this past weeks outfits.  I'll go ahead and say sorry for the pictures as they are snapshots throughout the week! 

1) I bought this floral spectacle while at Merlefest, a spring music festival, a couple years ago. This is one of my favorite sundresses to date because of the flattering fit and whimsical feel.  The ruched waist and the flowy bottom makes my midsection look so tiny!  If only all my dresses made me appear to have the perfect hourglass figure!

2) This shirt is so comfy and perfect for a lazy day!  Even though I don't think leggings look the best on me, I incorporated them into this outfit to give it a relaxed feel.  I love outfits that look effortless and are comfortable...this was a winner in both categories!


3) Rain, rain, go away, come back another day!  As you might assume, it was raining this day and droopy as ever.  When looking for the perfect jacket, I hope to find these three things: lightweight material, patterns, and warmth for the cool weather..this jacket contains all of these important aspects!  By wearing this jacket, I stayed high and dry between going to classes.  I also like to wear dresses on rain days because I don't have to worry about soaking pant legs!  Cowboy boots were the final touch to keep my feet cozy and free from mud.


4) Smile! For picture day, I like to wear something formal and something that sums up my style.  This year, I decided to go with a more modest approach that included a business-like feel {although I'm not sure these heels are "business-casual"!} I wanted to add a pop of color and keep my makeup/hair light and airy.  Hopefully I will stand out among the sea of juniors in the annual!  

IMG_6429    IMG_6422

{3} flower power

{Do not merely listen to the word, and so deieve yourselves.  Do what it says.  Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.  But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he had heard, but doing it-he will be blessed in what he does.}  - James 1: 22-25

Who knew taking pictures everyday would be so difficult? Between stroking mascara on and changing my outfit  for the fifteenth time, taking photos is hard to fit into my morning routine.  I think I have come up with a pretty crafty idea, however.  Each week, I will have a post of all 5 outfits I wear to school, but if I wear something otherwise, I will photograph these individually and post them as normal!  I hope this is an easier way to keep up with the challenge and you will also get to see all outfits, not just the ones I deem "blog-worthy"! 

On to today's outfit and mini life lesson:  For preaching today, we had a very inspirational sermon.  It was entitled "Beyond the pew," meaning how does one live their christian life outside of the church.  I felt a tug at my heart because it made me realize I haven't been pushing myself to be the best christian I can be, if you will.  This may sound silly and like an athelete on a sports team, but the goal in life is Christ, not ourselves.  If we {I} would take time to do little, big. or even unbelieveable things to glorify God, we would be able to see his light in us. My goal for this year is to become a becon of light for Christ. Even if it's as simple as not listening/spreading to gossip, refraining from cussing, or praying infront of friends at the lunch table, you can and will be making a difference in someone's life as well as yours.  Actions speak louder than words!

Jumpsuit: TJMaxx
Belt: NY&Co. Outlet
Coverup: TJMaxx
Jewelry: Betseyville
Shoes: Unionbay via Khols