
created by catherine

{By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.} - Genesis 2:2-3

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Dress: Created by Catherine...yup, that's me!
Shoes: BCBG via Belk
Jewelry: Candies via Khols
Belt: Delia's

Take pink & orange, wedges, and add a dash of sparkly jewelry and you have yourself a Catherine ensemble.  This outfit is me in a nutshell and I LOVE it! Its simple yet a little edgy (like that sneaky slit in the rear). And the fact that I made this dress makes it even more loveable.  

Now, enough about me....what are some of your nobrainer statement pieces/styles?

strawberry summer

{ Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. } - Genesis 9:3


I'm sorry for the lack of posts is demanding all of my time. But, have no fear! Summer is just around the corner and I can smell the sweet freedom calling. In a mere 5 days I will be completely done with my junior year of high school! I can't wait to spring into the cool chlorine and get my tan on!

Just in case your lucky enough to be out ready, here is a Layered Strawberry-Chocolate Cake recipe for those hot summer days (or everyday ;)


1 container of chocolate CoolWhip
1 cake mix
2 cups of sliced strawberries
chocolate syrup for garnish

Bake two 9' round cakes as directed on the box. Once cakes become completely cool, place one layer on a platter. Cover the layer with coolwhip, top with strawberries, and then drizzle chocolate syrup over it. Repeat the same process for the final layer of the cake.

Happy baking!!

I spy

{Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
- Matthew 7:7

It seems that I can never just fall into a relationship.  I have to seek in desperation for someone to love me until I find an admirer who I think will fulfill my desires. In a short time this only leads me to realize  that he is not my prince charming.  This process goes on and on, I keep wondering why...why can't I find my special someone? 

Recently, I went to an all girls conference, called Revolve,  where great speakers talked about relationships, dating, and faith.  Let me tell you, I learned a TON!  I figured out that I'm not alone when it comes to questions racing around in my head. I also learned valuable info from a guy's perspective. Chad Eastham did a great job conveying a man's point of view in terms that we could relate to. He pointed out that girls didn't need to take guys change of mood to heart (because after all, we are the ones with mood swings!) and much more.  My favorite quote of his was to "Not look for romance in every relationship." My love life (described in the first paragraph) needed to here this.  I constantly look for dateable guys and always look for more in friendships, but like Chad said, what's wrong with being just friends? Friendships can provide so much more than relationships in certain times of our lives.  As you can tell, I had a great time and I can't wait to apply  what I've learned.

In closing, I hope you take some of Chad's advice and maybe take a break from playing the "I spy" game of life. I encourage you to let your seeker find you :)

Dress: Belk
Lace Shirt: via TJMaxx
Shoes: Rampage via Ross
Belt: Mom's
Necklace: Forever 21

brace yourself

{O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures. Here is the ocean, vast and wide, teeming with life of every kind, both large and small.
- Psalm 24-25

Get ready to view some of God's amazing creations from beautiful mountains down to my chocolate covered banana! Here are those photos I promised from my trip to Salt Lake City, Utah!

{The Salt Lake Mormon Temple}
{Cottonwood Caverns}
{Lagoon Theme Park}
{The sidewalks were lined with beautiful flowers!}
{FIDM Fashion Show}
{Chinese Acrobats & Eli Young Band}
{Utah Olympic Park}
{The view from our hotel}

How was that feast for the eyes? Pretty tasty I'll say :) Hope yall have a great week!!