
STEP (Summer Textile Exploration Program)

{I put on righteousness as my clothing; justice was my robe and my turban.} - Job 29:14

For the next week, I will be getting my creative juices flowing at a camp offered at NC State University! With its focus on apparel design, I will be going to Goodwill and refashioning garments to make my own masterpiece!  Along with our major projects, we will also be learning about the college of textiles and the college experience. 

I can't wait to show you my finial project!


Didn't your mama teach you some manners?

{Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:11

It amazes me how young men talk about girls these days. Last night, I attended my church's VBS and as we were sitting around the dinner table chatting, two boys kept snickering at the girl sitting beside me. To say the least, it irked me. The way they degraded her for having a big appetite and the mean comments  they made...I just didn't like it! I asked them were they serious and of course they played it off as a cool macho joke they were playing. It just got me to think...what happened to the chivalry in men? Where have  manners gone in society? Obviously, not to our younger generation.

Dress: via a flea market
Sweater: American Rag via Macys
Shoes: Nine West via Macys
Jewelry: Forever 21


{And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God} - Romans 8:27

What do you do when an ex comes back, a guy you've been dreaming after steals your heart away but won't commit, and others keep coming into the picture? I'm so confused, don't know who to choose and frankly not interested in this tug of war.  I'm tired of being used, expected to just fall back in love, and consider new opportunities. I'm ready for that one man to sweep me off my feet like no prince charming to come racing towards me and plead for my love. I'm ready for my fairy tale, just when, when will it begin? 

IMG_2011 IMG_1966IMG_1983IMG_1986
Romper: Macys
Cardigan: American Eagle
Belt: Belk
Shoes: Toms
Glasses: Mom's
Bracelet: Lucky Brand via Burkes Outlet