
Aisle Style.

{And the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh.What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate...} 
- Mark:8-9

You gals and gents know that I'm a sucker for brands whose mission is to advocate beauty and self esteem. With summer weddings and dinner parties in bloom, Aisle Style is a fabulous company that empowers women. The cornerstone of their brand is to "walk down the aisle with confidence," allowing brides to be comfortable and completely themselves on their dream day. Not only do they offer wedding gowns, but also bridesmaids, cocktail, prom, and special occasion dresses so any gal can have the opportunity to feel pretty, both inside and out, on their special day.

Check out a couple of these crazy cute, afforadable gowns below by clicking on the picture, or by clicking on the link above to browse the site for more options!
Charming A-line One Shoulder Floor-length Chiffon Cocktail DressesCharming A-line Halter Hand Made Flowers Side Slit Floor-length Chiffon Cocktail DressesSimple A-line One Shoulder Ruching Side Slit Floor-length Chiffon Cocktail Dresses


{I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.}
- Psalm 17:6

This weekend was jam packed with exciting opportunities! Luckily I was able to make it to some of these wonderful events including the Chelsea Antique Market, Egg Rolls & Egg Cream Festival, the annual Serbian Orthodox church festival & tag sale, as well as the HousingWorks Open Air Street Fair. Along the way, I also explored the Soho area & Chelsea Market, was able to grab dinner with a close friend, celebrate being in the big apple over pastries with 3 other friends, and attend church at Redeemer! 

This weekend was a blessing, being able to hop from one event to the next with time to think, meditate, and pray to myself over things that God has been laying on my heart. In the last post, I mentioned working on having confidence and loving others. Crazy enough, several opportunities arose this weekend where people would strike up a conversation with me while sitting on a park bench, in the subway, walking somewhere, etc. Additionally, I was able to meet 2 new girls where I'm living! 

Another thing that's caught my attention since moving into the city is the tremendous amount of homeless people. How do you know who really needs the help? How much do you give? Should you just offer food or giftcards? Questions like these have been filling my head, so I've been asking God to show me who needs help - to open that door. On Sunday, he literally did, but I didn't answer. 

Stepping into McDonald's for a quick rest before church, there was a homeless man opening the door for people, asking for a quarter in return. Entering, I just smiled and kept walking, yet my heart was yearning for that man as he pleaded "just something to eat ma'am?" After siting in the restaurant toiling over the situation for about 10 minutes, I finally got the nerve to go buy him something. But, as soon as I went to go get him, I saw that someone seconds before had just purchased him a meal....walking away with the biggest french fry grin you've ever seen. 

What if I had listened to God's knocking on my heart for that man? Not only would he be nourished and filled, but God would've been glorified. But the situation was also two-folded as a lesson for myself to trust him.


Are you listening to him today? What is he calling you to do?


{A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.}
 - John 13:34-35

Blessed with the opportunity to intern for Hunter Bell, this small town NC gal has moved to the big apple for the summer. My mom helped me settle in over Memorial Day weekend and prepare me for my first 'big girl' job. We shopped, went to see Matilda on Broadway, had dessert more than one time for dinner, shared delicious cheesecake, and took every form of public transportation known to man.

Now, being by myself for almost two weeks, I've been able to explore and somewhat learn to navigate the city. I walked the Highline park a few days ago {an old train station that's being renovated into a park and subway station}, went grocery shopping, and picked up some gorgeous flowers. My internship has also gone well so far, allowing me to oberserve and learn things at a quick pace. 


My prayer for this week is that I will have the confidence to approach/meet new people and respond in love to those around me. What is your prayer for this week?