

{Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight}
- Proverbs 3:5-6

 There is nothing like home
I cherish the quiet and stillness
I love to walk
Exploration gives me freedom
I can't sit still - at work, at my apartment, I have to constantly be doing something or working
It's hard for me to just be me
My faith is still growing and learning - I have to pursue it
I love hosting, entertaining and getting dressed up to go somewhere with friends
But meeting new people and getting out of my comfort zone is scary
I'm easily influenced to see other point of views and don't always stand up for what I think 
Knowing how to respond with grace and truth is something I yearn for
I abhor the comment "you're so quiet"
My bitterness can overcome me easily
I love to bake and indulge in new ingredients, rather than real food, at the grocery store
I constantly think about food: eating and my weight
It scares me that my style is ever evolving - I wish I knew what my definite aesthetic was
Sometimes, I think God speaks to me most directly in dreams
When I rise, that is my most precious time - it sets my mood for the day
I love to workout in the morning
The most moving thing can be a beautiful sunrise....a reminder that HE is the creator
My biggest fears lie in decisions
But with Sinatra or Buble in the background, I feel like I can accomplish anything
A cup of coffee (if not two) is a daily must