

{Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight}
- Proverbs 3:5-6

 There is nothing like home
I cherish the quiet and stillness
I love to walk
Exploration gives me freedom
I can't sit still - at work, at my apartment, I have to constantly be doing something or working
It's hard for me to just be me
My faith is still growing and learning - I have to pursue it
I love hosting, entertaining and getting dressed up to go somewhere with friends
But meeting new people and getting out of my comfort zone is scary
I'm easily influenced to see other point of views and don't always stand up for what I think 
Knowing how to respond with grace and truth is something I yearn for
I abhor the comment "you're so quiet"
My bitterness can overcome me easily
I love to bake and indulge in new ingredients, rather than real food, at the grocery store
I constantly think about food: eating and my weight
It scares me that my style is ever evolving - I wish I knew what my definite aesthetic was
Sometimes, I think God speaks to me most directly in dreams
When I rise, that is my most precious time - it sets my mood for the day
I love to workout in the morning
The most moving thing can be a beautiful sunrise....a reminder that HE is the creator
My biggest fears lie in decisions
But with Sinatra or Buble in the background, I feel like I can accomplish anything
A cup of coffee (if not two) is a daily must

Aisle Style.

{And the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh.What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate...} 
- Mark:8-9

You gals and gents know that I'm a sucker for brands whose mission is to advocate beauty and self esteem. With summer weddings and dinner parties in bloom, Aisle Style is a fabulous company that empowers women. The cornerstone of their brand is to "walk down the aisle with confidence," allowing brides to be comfortable and completely themselves on their dream day. Not only do they offer wedding gowns, but also bridesmaids, cocktail, prom, and special occasion dresses so any gal can have the opportunity to feel pretty, both inside and out, on their special day.

Check out a couple of these crazy cute, afforadable gowns below by clicking on the picture, or by clicking on the link above to browse the site for more options!
Charming A-line One Shoulder Floor-length Chiffon Cocktail DressesCharming A-line Halter Hand Made Flowers Side Slit Floor-length Chiffon Cocktail DressesSimple A-line One Shoulder Ruching Side Slit Floor-length Chiffon Cocktail Dresses


{I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.}
- Psalm 17:6

This weekend was jam packed with exciting opportunities! Luckily I was able to make it to some of these wonderful events including the Chelsea Antique Market, Egg Rolls & Egg Cream Festival, the annual Serbian Orthodox church festival & tag sale, as well as the HousingWorks Open Air Street Fair. Along the way, I also explored the Soho area & Chelsea Market, was able to grab dinner with a close friend, celebrate being in the big apple over pastries with 3 other friends, and attend church at Redeemer! 

This weekend was a blessing, being able to hop from one event to the next with time to think, meditate, and pray to myself over things that God has been laying on my heart. In the last post, I mentioned working on having confidence and loving others. Crazy enough, several opportunities arose this weekend where people would strike up a conversation with me while sitting on a park bench, in the subway, walking somewhere, etc. Additionally, I was able to meet 2 new girls where I'm living! 

Another thing that's caught my attention since moving into the city is the tremendous amount of homeless people. How do you know who really needs the help? How much do you give? Should you just offer food or giftcards? Questions like these have been filling my head, so I've been asking God to show me who needs help - to open that door. On Sunday, he literally did, but I didn't answer. 

Stepping into McDonald's for a quick rest before church, there was a homeless man opening the door for people, asking for a quarter in return. Entering, I just smiled and kept walking, yet my heart was yearning for that man as he pleaded "just something to eat ma'am?" After siting in the restaurant toiling over the situation for about 10 minutes, I finally got the nerve to go buy him something. But, as soon as I went to go get him, I saw that someone seconds before had just purchased him a meal....walking away with the biggest french fry grin you've ever seen. 

What if I had listened to God's knocking on my heart for that man? Not only would he be nourished and filled, but God would've been glorified. But the situation was also two-folded as a lesson for myself to trust him.


Are you listening to him today? What is he calling you to do?


{A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.}
 - John 13:34-35

Blessed with the opportunity to intern for Hunter Bell, this small town NC gal has moved to the big apple for the summer. My mom helped me settle in over Memorial Day weekend and prepare me for my first 'big girl' job. We shopped, went to see Matilda on Broadway, had dessert more than one time for dinner, shared delicious cheesecake, and took every form of public transportation known to man.

Now, being by myself for almost two weeks, I've been able to explore and somewhat learn to navigate the city. I walked the Highline park a few days ago {an old train station that's being renovated into a park and subway station}, went grocery shopping, and picked up some gorgeous flowers. My internship has also gone well so far, allowing me to oberserve and learn things at a quick pace. 


My prayer for this week is that I will have the confidence to approach/meet new people and respond in love to those around me. What is your prayer for this week?


{Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those 
sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your 
children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.}
- Matthew 23:37


Being a southern gal with a heart for vintage, I am beyond thrilled to introduce The Hen Collection, my personal brand, and my first pair of handmade jeans to y'all! For a bit of explanation about the design, the back pocket showcases the recognizable feature of my logo, the hen. With such a prominent figure, a subtle peach thread color was chosen. Additionally, lace was added on the back pockets and the front waistband to modernize, yet keep with the positioning of my southern, vintage, brand. For camouflaging purposes, a high-waisted silhouette in a dark wash with subtle distressing was chosen. Also, a button-fly, as well as a zipper were both incorporated as a disguising mechanism to flatter a woman’s stomach.

Additionally, this product is made of 100% cotton, bought from a fabric outlet in Fancy Gap, Virginia. 


{She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household are clothed in scarlet.} 
- Proverbs 31:20-21

"It started with a belief that lingerie should be about the woman who wears it...and that it should make her feel good about herself."

Ladies. If you've been reading for a while or know me personally, you know that my passion in life is to empower women through encouragement, hope, community, and business. Naja, a premium lingerie and swimwear company, is doing just this and I am SO in love. Featured on Shark Tank for their beautiful products, this young company has launched a new initiative called Underwear for Hope where women are taught to sew and single mothers are given homes in Colombia. Additionally, a percentage of every purchase supports their entrepreneurial sewing program through the Golondrinas Foundation in Colombia.

Not only does Naja seek to empower impoverished women, but also their target customers (that's you!). Each pair of these adorable underwear have an inspirational quote on the inside and for an added touch, the bras feature beautiful textiles that take ques from superhero prints and Mexican folklore, making them just as unique on the inside.

A feel-good product just for you that empowers other women...what better reason to buy yourself a new pair of knickers or bralette combo?! Check out the Naja website for more beautiful designs and to learn more about their eco-friendly products made of pet recycled plastic bottle material. I know I can't wait to try out one of these little indulgences.


{Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.} - Romans 13:14

{Top: mimi chica  // Skirt: F21 // Heels: Madden Girl}

I am a morning person no doubt. I love to wake up, look out the window with a cup of coffee, and just relax before a busy day begins. However, when it comes to getting ready, I will  always be the late one...even though I wake up with 4 hours to spare before leaving. For example, getting ready for church today, I changed five times just trying to decide if this outfit worked or not!

Just thinking about how much time I spend getting ready, it made me wonder if I allot that much time to dressing in righteousness?

A KJV dictionary defines righteousness as "Just; accordant to the divine law. Applied to persons, it denotes one who is holy in heart, and observant of the divine commands in practice; as a righteous man." Personally, I think this translates into hiding yourself within Christ, making all of your actions reflect Him and inevitably producing fruits of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). 

By clothing ourselves in these things, not only does it allow us to stand firm in the faith (Ephesians 16:14), but also lean on God and point others to him. So, this week when picking out the perfect spring dress or swiping on a pink lip, remember to pair those with grace, truth, and kindness.  


{Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
- Colossians 3:23

Attention, attention!! Genesis3:21 will be hosting a pop-up shop this weekend at the Battle Branch Cafe Cabin with 50% off almost all merchandise including shoes, accessories, and home! Bring a friend and hope to see you there!

To stay up to date on store happenings, please like our Facebook page!


{ Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which he has given you.} - Deuteronomy 16:17

Looking for a small, but personal gift to someone?!

Over the break, my mom and I crafted these mini 'easter baskets' for some close friends after seeing a version of them in a shop right across the Virgina border. We used chocolate bunnies and ducks, accenting them with malted eggs and chocolate carrots scored at Big Lots . To create a lively scene, we added green raffia paper, which also added stability. Additionally, we dug through sewing scraps to find {oh so cute} fabric and bright ric-rac ribbon to give it an extra pizazz!

Needless to say, this was an easy peasy gift, totaling less than $5. If you're looking to get jazzy, mix this up by incorporating different items inside, catering it toward the person recieving the gift. Pinterest has LOADS of ideas for painting glass, covering the lid, and making this for other holidays.....there's endless possibilities!  

I would love to see y'alls version of this craft - link up in the comments below or shoot me an email!


{Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you,who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time} - 1 Peter 1:3-5

{Dress: Hunter Dixon // Shoes: Guess // Jewelry: Betsey Johnson}

Happy Easter! He is risen!


{When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.}Luke 5:8-11

{Shirt: NY&Co. via Goodwill // Skirt: Goodwill // Shoes: Toms // Hat: Consignment Shop}

For minutes, hours, and days I can become consumed with worry about my worth, my purpose, my future. The past two years of my college career, I have tried to mold myself into what my perception of a designer is and obtain success through actively staying busy. Yet still, my soul is left empty.

To be honest, I'm still at ground zero knowing where life is going to take me. I can be a headstrong lion with pursing my dreams, putting up a front that portrays a girl with it all together, but that's just the thing...inside, I'm a mouse when it comes to actually believing what I say and acting on what I think. 

In Luke 5, Simon had to be reminded of humility and the great goodness of God. When he threw the fishing net out, he had to trust that Jesus would allow a bountiful harvest to be brought back up. Similarly, I have to do the same with my actions, life, and plans - surrender myself to go where he is calling and listen, knowing that he will bring make something beautiful out of this mini mouse. Above all else, adore God for the master designer that he is and trust in him.